Sunday 26 May 2024


Dear Friends, we are going through the season of election and mixed feelings of hope and despair, enthusiasm and disappointment, etc are prevailing across the nation. Both the main stream and the social media on the internet are also extremely busy with it. The whole thing is played out against the dire social, political and economic reality. Some feel so hopeless that they don’t go for vote at all. And, yet, the trend that is being witnessed so far shows that more than 60% of the population does exercise their right to vote. Therefore, the present blog is extremely relevant to my readers – no matter which group they belong to.

The point of this blog is that the entire electoral process, and the kind of polity it is part of, are absolutely vain and meaningless. We, the Indians, call ourselves the largest or the second largest democracy in the world. Of the people, by the people, for the people…General public has been parroting this humbug right from the time we won freedom from the British. The reality, as we see it today, is quite bleak. We can’t blame the politicians alone for it. We have no less to blame ourselves for it. The mute question is, “What exactly went wrong and where?”

In order to answer this question, I’d like to present my readers with the unique case of Israel. You may get surprised to learn that Israel existed as a nation hundreds of years before the Christian Era began in the same place where we see it today. And they existed as a nation with no ruler to rule over them, no administrator to administer to their diverse needs. They even existed without regular army! At that time also Israel was surrounded by enemies on all sides. Nevertheless Israel fared better then than she does now. How? Please pay close attention to what I am going to say to you now.

At that time there was no meticulously thought-out system of governance. But instead of political figure, she had prophets! This is not to say that these prophets functioned as political figures. No! Sometimes these prophets lived in the society along with common citizens of the nation; whereas sometimes they lived reclusive life in the wilderness. They would approach the people only when they received any message from God and had to convey it to them. Once they delivered their messages, they returned to their reclusive life. When a social dispute of any kind arose, these prophets got involved as arbitrators in the matter.

Thus, the citizens of Israel went about their business, social life, etc all on their own. They were happier than the surrounding nations which had kings over them. Whenever, Israel was threatened militarily at the time, she faced the threat as a society. The decision whether to offer armed resistance or establish treaty was reached depending upon the message received by the prophets from God. However, at no point of time that decision compromised the sovereignty of Israel.

To put it plainly, this nation was indeed ruled by their God and their conscience. When they did anything against God, He gave them into the hands of their enemies. When they would seek His forgiveness, He would restore freedom and normalcy to them through individuals who were not professional soldiers but had fear of God and did what pleased Him. In other words, He (God) raised righteous men to defend the nation against the enemy. Not mighty and politically shrewd men but righteous men defended the nation. That’s the point.

Thus, the people of Israel were very happy and all was well with them. So far so good. But in the time of a prophet called Samuel a significant change occurred. The Book of Samuel, Chapter 8, in the Bible describes it in the following manner:

“Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah, and said to him, ‘Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.’

But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, ‘Give us a king to judge us.’ So Samuel prayed to the Lord. And the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.’

‘However, you shall solemnly forewarn them, and show them the behavior of the king who will reign over them.’

So Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who asked him for a king. And he said, ‘This will be the behavior of the king who will reign over you: He will take your sons and appoint them for his own chariots and to be his horsemen, and some will run before his chariots. He will appoint captains over his thousands and captains over his fifties, will set some to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and some to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. He will take your daughters to be perfumers, cooks, and bakers. And he will take the best of your fields, your vineyards, and your olive groves, and give them to his servants. He will take a tenth of your grain and your vintage, and give it to his officers and servants. And he will take your male servants, your female servants, your finest young men, and your donkeys, and put them to his work. He will take a tenth of your sheep. And you will be his servants. And you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, and the Lord will not hear you in that day.’

Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, ‘No, but we will have a king over us, that we also may be like all the nations, and that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.’”

So, Samuel found out a king for them – a king named Saul. In due time, this first king who made Israel a kingdom for the first time in her history, exactly fulfilled the prophetic utterances of God regarding a king. God’s description of a king stands justified in all ages and in all places. The character of a king remains the same everywhere in the world. Even the democratically elected representative of people cannot be otherwise; simply because once we cast vote, it becomes a power in the hands of our representatives from that point onwards. We have absolutely no authority over them. They become kings without crown. They lack in quality because we lack in quality. We choose a person to represent us. And if a person who represents us is wicked, it only tell-tales the people whom he represents. In the above given instance of Israel, the people of Israel chose a king to rule over them instead of God!

As long as Israel lived as a nation without any government that was based on one or the other political ideology, she was totally dependent on divine dispensation through prophets. The same divine dispensation removed the prophets who proved they weren’t worthy of their calling. It brought into existence a nation that was driven by two things: faith and conscience. Human nature remained the same as ever but faith and conscience so molded the character of a nation that it successfully overcame the human nature.

The divine plan was to develop the nation of Israel along this line in order to move them from the mundane to the spiritual plane that Jesus would initiate them to in order to seek after the Kingdom of Heaven where nothing was temporary but everything was eternal and in an ideal state that the mankind has been yearning for. It was the declared intention of Jesus that He had come into this world in order to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth by moving the people of the world from the world to the Kingdom of Heaven. When the people of Israel tried to make Him King over them, He resisted their attempt and clearly told them His Kingdom was not the kingdom of this world. To the very end, He preached about the Kingdom of Heaven where all are equal, all are rich and happy, all are immortals, and there won’t be a trace of sorrow; because all are living in the presence of God. It was the development of character that was required for this purpose. Right to vote for a politician of one’s choice cannot build a nation. By the same token, no political ideology or system can help build a nation if the citizens’ national character is lop-sided.

That’s the point. Building a character is an essentially spiritual exercise.


Tuesday 12 March 2024


This guide is meant for those Muslim brothers and sisters who put their faith in Jesus and want to accept Him as their personal Savior. For all who believe in Jesus, it is a must to confirm their faith through the ritual of baptism. However, it may be extremely difficult for them in many Islamic countries to declare their faith in Jesus or receive baptism. This is because accepting Jesus invariably involves renouncing the Islamic faith. And, as it is, in Islamic nations, renouncing Islam and accepting Christianity is a crime that is subject to capital punishment.

The best way for such Muslim believers is not to make their Christian faith public. If they happen to find a minister from any church that they know about in order to get baptized, it is good. But if they don’t know where to find help for the stated purpose, or if it involves risk to their life, let me assure them not to be disappointed at all. They can baptize themselves in their room without anybody knowing about it. They may keep it secret even from their family members; since in many cases the new believers are known to have been killed by their own family members. This situation can be avoided by joining commonsense and practicality to faith. But, before we proceed to discuss how a new believer with Islamic background can baptize himself/herself in the guarded space of their private chamber or room, it is necessary that he/she fulfill the following conditions that he/she is required to. These are the conditions…

1.   They believe that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the only true God and there is none other besides Him

2.   The only way to relate to this God is through Lord Jesus Christ. There is no other way that leads to Him. This is because Jesus is the Son of God and He alone knows God the Father. It is in His hand to make known God the Father to all who want to know Him

3.   The relation to God is made possible through the supreme sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. A person needs to know and acknowledge the fact that Jesus died on the cross for him/her - for the sins he/she committed. He not only carried away the sins of the mankind but also the curse, diseases and death that were brought about by sin. Jesus’ coming back to life three days after His burial is the hope all believers in Jesus have that they also will come back to life mind, body and spirit on a day appointed for it. And, just as Jesus is with God the Father, they also will be with Him one day. It is one of the promises of Jesus that He has gone to the Father in order to make a place for the believers, and when it is ready, He will return to take them from the earth to be where He is

Fulfillment of these conditions constitutes what is called the Christian faith. If a believer has it, the next step is to receive baptism. Baptism is a must. It initiates a believer into the spiritual order.

This brings us to the question regarding how to receive baptism in a place where renouncing Islam is a crime punishable by death. As already stated, one need not make it public at all. At the same time, he/she also needs considerable tactfulness to avoid all forms of Islamic religious practices. For instance,

1.   He/she may pretend to do namaz but in actuality worship the God of the Bible or

2.   If you are caught in a situation where you are given to eat the sacrificial meat during Eid al-Adha. You may secretively ask grace on the food that is served before you as is the custom among the Christian. But it is good if you excuse yourself from participating in such rituals. If you stay separately from your family, it becomes easier for you to excuse yourself from such festivities that mark Islamic holy days. It certainly doesn’t mean breaking ties with your family

3.   As for burial, it doesn’t mean a thing if a ‘secret’ believer dies and is buried according to the Islamic custom as long as he/she lives and dies with Christian faith

Now is the time to instruct you about how you can baptize yourself. Please note that there are three ways in which baptism can be taken:

1.   Take a dip in a water tank or pond or stream of water or river. I very much recommend that you take a dip in a body of water. Please find out a safe place for the purpose. By safe I mean a body of water is not deeper than waist. Even if you are a good swimmer, please don’t take risk

2.   Sprinkle water on your head or

3.   Pour water on your head

The last two ways of using water are quite handy if you choose to baptize yourself in your room. But, please remember that baptism is not about getting wet or taking a dip in water. It is a religious ceremony and it has a specific order or way in which it can be done.

Here is the exact order in which you should conduct this ceremony:

1.   Be dressed in white

2.   Keep water in a new glass that is to be used only once and never again. Don’t use a glass that is used before. You may use bath tub if you have one. It gives you the advantage of submerging your body in the water. If you use it, you conduct the ritual where it is. But if you choose to baptize yourself in the shallow part of a pond or stream or river, then the ritual will take place in the open air right where it is

3.   Before you sprinkle or pour water on your head, or you dip yourself in water, offer this prayer to God:

O Lord God, here I come before You with the purpose of beginning my life anew in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Lord God, please remove my old self and mold me into the image of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Embody faith, hope and love in me through baptism. In Jesus I baptize myself…

4.   Here, you sprinkle or pour water on your head or take a dip in the water.

Your baptism is complete!



Monday 5 June 2023


Dear Friends,

I am Bertrand Wilson Hatia. I am a writer.

I am approaching you with a suggestion that you seek help from Lord Jesus in your fight for justice. It is useless putting faith in humans. When time comes, they let you down. They may even try to benefit from your loss. It is Jesus who will never disappoint you if you put your faith in Him and seek His help.

Please do this short prayer to Jesus with faith. Please note that God listens to the faith of a devotee; He doesn’t listen to his prayers. Prayers can be done without faith. Such prayers are meaningless in God’s eye. Therefore, please offer this prayer with faith in Jesus:

Lord Jesus, the Savior of the mankind, I believe You are the Son of God, and God has given all power and authority to You. I have come before You with a request that You use the same on my behalf to grant me justice for the wrong that I have suffered at the hand of people who are occupying the positions of power.

Only You can help me in the present situation. Please alter it, Lord. You are the Lord of all times and circumstances. If You will, You can change my circumstances as well. Please listen to my prayer, Lord.

In Your Mighty and Glorious name I pray, Amen.

Please note that this prayer can be done by anyone who needs divine help in obtaining justice for him.


Friday 4 November 2022


There are many people and organizations that are trying their best to stop the message of Jesus from reaching those who need it. There is a reason behind it. It is given in the Book of Romans, Chapter One, in the Bible:

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in (among) them, for God has shown it to them.” (Romans 1:18)

The opponents of Jesus are ungodly and unrighteous. The Book of John, Chapter 3, in the Bible says,

“For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”

Jesus is the light. The Book of John, Chapter 1 says, “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”

That’s why His enemies must oppose Him and wish to see a situation where darkness rules, helping them hide their evil deeds. But the darkness cannot rule until and unless it overcomes the light – the thing that the Bible says it can never do.

Therefore, the fate of evildoers is sealed. They are destined for the wrath of God. This fate is terrible. The evil doers know it. But their ego so sets them against God that they would rather embrace their fate than to be in the good books of His for their own good.

So, what they try to do now is to bring other people to share their fate. Jesus was speaking exactly about people like these in the Book of Matthew, Chapter 23, when He said,

“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.”

The scribes and Pharisees were the people who were standard-bearers of religion in Jesus’ time. Always, in history, it is exactly such standard-bearers who use religion to serve their social, economic and political interests. Their talk is religious and actions irreligious to the extreme. In the same chapter of the Book of Matthew, Jesus also says this about them:

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.”

It is their spiritual jealousy that does not want to see others enter into life and live forever in unadulterated light (bliss) through Jesus.

Dear friend, God of the Bible has a plan to live with His people. He doesn’t want to live forever in His Heaven in ideal situation and leave the mankind to live in a place which is infinitely inferior to His. He loves you and wants you to be a part of His family, and to be with Him forever. It is the co-existence with God in the Kingdom of Heaven that is called moksha or salvation of the spirit.

As it is, nobody can achieve moksha by his own efforts in this world. That, exactly, is the reason why Jesus came into this world with a proposed deal between the mankind and Him. It was one of a kind bargain. Neither before nor afterward had the world ever witnessed such an unequal deal on the table. It was exactly this:

“Your sins are mine. I take the punishment of your sins on Myself on the cross and My righteousness is ascribed to you in the same way that your sins are to Me. My righteousness in you puts you in right standing with God; because now you are free from the bondage of sin. Now, you can be in the presence of God, and live. All you got to do is believe in Me and accept My sacrifice on your behalf.”

Your faith in Jesus is your signature on this divine deed. He has done His part. He is waiting for you to do yours. Think about this…


Sunday 30 October 2022


So much anti-propaganda is going on and off media that the non-Christian have come to form a preconceived notion against Jesus and those who are involved in broadcasting His message to the world. Therefore, the moment someone talks about Christ, at once they become on their guard, thinking that he/she is trying to convert them to Christianity.

Now, who can make you change your religion against your will? India is a nation where the Hindu are in majority, having a government that has embraced Hindutva.

People don’t understand or try not to understand a simple fact that religion is a matter of faith, and a matter of faith is profoundly personal. It has to do with YOU, and not with anyone else in the world – no matter what. It is YOUR choice whether you want to have a religion or not.

Another thing, a true religion is all about FREEDOM…ESSENTIAL FREEDOM. I would like to quote here a biblical verse from the Book of John in the Bible. It is spoken by Jesus Himself. Here:

“Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’”

When a person is ‘spiritually’ free, he is free indeed; because his spirit is the essential person. The mental and physical freedoms are tied up to the spiritual. Whenever you hear about a person or religion that imposes itself on people, know for sure that that person/religion is false. He/it WILL fail one day, and that failure will be final. Be sure about it.

Nothing false shall have permanence. That’s what the Bible teaches. According to Bible, only TRUTH is eternal and it is embodied in God. It is essential to relate with God in order to relate ourselves with Truth. Only by relating with Truth, we can be true. And, as stated before, only by being true, we can be free. That’s why it is important to search for God…and relate to Him. That, exactly, is the purpose why we are preaching Jesus to you. Our purpose is further clarified by what is written in the Book of Romans in the Bible. I quote it here:

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel (Bible), for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek (people in general who don’t follow the faith that is given in the Bible).”

Again, we preach Jesus (God) to you because you need salvation – spiritual salvation. You are in bondage of sin, curse and death. Only Jesus can set you free from these. So, Jesus is the starting point of our journey in search of truth and liberty, and He is also the destination. He made it clear when He said, “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life.”

The big problem is that there has come up people/organizations that are determined to stop us from conveying Jesus’ message to you. What exactly they are doing is depriving YOU of your right to know or not to know about what Jesus can do for you. You have the right to information, isn’t it? If someone else is going to decide for you what you should know and what not, you are certainly at the risk of losing your freedom. Freedom is the most important thing from biblical point of view. Because only free people are free to enjoy life…to live life in the way they desire.

If you have any question, feel free to contact me via


Monday 22 August 2022


I am writing this blog especially for my Hindu friends. And, it is intended to scatter the misunderstanding that occurs every time we, the Christian, talk about idolatry being considered sin in the Bible. I have made my explanation as brief as it is practically possible. Here…

To make it simple, I would ask those Hindu readers who are parents: “How you would feel if your children make your image and hang it on the wall and daily burn incense stick before it, garland it, bow before it, etc and altogether ignore your physical presence, altogether avoid paying you respect directly as though you are not there at all?!”

Well, that’s how God feels! He is the FATHER of us all. He has created us; He supports us through our life; and He secures the life after death that awaits us….He does everything for us. We don’t do anything for Him nor do we give anything to Him to please Him; simply because all that we have is from Him. The whole world is His, and everything in it. What we can give Him? Nothing! All we can do is worship Him with truthfulness of heart. That’s all! He doesn’t want anything else! Can we do at least this much for Him? That’s the only way we can express our respect and thankfulness for all that He has done for us.

Another thing, we can respect Him in proportion to the knowledge about Him that we have. It is quite understandable that some people know more about Him and some people less. Those who try earnestly to find out God, at some point of time in their search they DO encounter Him in some way. Most people don’t want God for His sake! That’s the truth! They want Him because they want, money, property, beautiful wife, nice children, success in study, in business, etc. If they have all this, the purpose of having God is served!

In other words, objects of their desire are more important for them than God Himself! According to Bible, all that takes the place of God is an idol. To make it even more simple, anything that is more important in your sight than God is an idol. Idol is something that replaces God from the position that rightfully belongs to Him!



Tuesday 14 June 2022



My Fellow Believers in Jesus our Lord

Dear brothers and sisters,

After quite some time I am returning to writing. Had I not felt irresistible inward pull to write it, I wouldn’t have. It is about the timing of what we call the RAPTURE. I did talk about it before in my blog and yet, because I got some new light on the topic, I must bring it to you. I have no assertion to make. I never do. What I am trying to do is making known to you some new thoughts based on some Bible verses. These thoughts crossed my mind about five to six days back when I was taking bath! If you let me know what you think about it, I will be no little thankful to you.

Let me straightaway put them forth. Here…

There are different views about when the Rapture will take place: whether before the Great Tribulation or in the middle of it or after it. There was a time when I thought that this event might possibly take place at the time that the Lamb breaks open the Sixth Seal. This is because it is exactly at this time that the world sees both God the Father and Jesus (God the Son). I thought that the very first time the world would see Jesus again would be at the time when He would appear in heaven to take the Church out of the world – before the Great Tribulation starts.

I thought the Rapture was a pre-tribulation event on the basis of Jesus’ comparing the situation that would prevail at that time with that of Noah. I thought just as God took Noah and his family out of the world before the Great Flood began, Jesus would also take His Church out of the world before the Great Tribulation starts. This thought would never fail to elate me. It greatly relieved me from the worries about the woes that would beset the people who would live through the terrible period of time under the dispensation of the Antichrist.

But, the thought that recently struck me startled me out of the self-complacency in which I was living. This thought was, Whether the Death riding on the Fourth Horse of the Apocalypse could be the Antichrist. What made me seriously think about this possibility was the shockingly close comparison that this rider riding the pale horse bears with Jesus. Jesus claimed to be the Life; so the Antichrist must be the Death! After all, the latter would be the direct opposite of the former. The fourth horse rider is named Death! Nothing in Bible is accident; neither is this piece of detail in the Book of Revelation. See Revelation 6:8.

Another thing, it is indicated in the four Gospels that the coming of Jesus to the world was also the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven to them. If anyone would reject Him, it would tantamount to rejecting the Kingdom of Heaven. Similarly, the Death that rides the pale horse brings with it the Hades, which is the direct opposite of the Kingdom of Heaven! The parallel between Jesus and the fourth horse rider of Revelation 6 is quite striking.

The thing is that the appearance of the fourth horse rider is before the opening of the Sixth Seal. If the events contained in the Sixth Seal are indicative of the Rapture, then it simply means that the Antichrist appears before the Rapture. And, if this is the case, then the Church will have to go through the tribulation period!

What St. Paul has to say in Chapter 2 of 2 Thessalonians DOES seem to support this view. Let me quote it here:

“Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.”

As it is, we are already seeing the falling away and opposition to God. People already have faith in the power of untruth and corrupt practices in different aspects of life. They strongly believe that success cannot be achieved by positive means in the present world. Even among the Christian, there are very few who have taken stance not to give in to the corrupt practices of the world no matter what.

Daniel 8:23 refers to the moral depravation that will be prevailing in the world, and which is considered to be the very sign that will show that the stage is ready for the appearance of the Antichrist. It says,

“When the transgressors have reached their fullness,

A king shall arise,

Having fierce features,

Who understands sinister schemes.”

Looking at the present day world, we cannot but have the feeling that the transgressors are well on their way to reach the fullness that is talked about in the above quoted verse. The New World Order is no longer an idea. We are seeing it right before our eyes. And it is a matter of pride among masses to proclaim that Satan is their god. He is the initiator of this order. It is essentially his. So the question, now, is, How near the appearance of Antichrist is?!

It is very much relevant for the believers in Christ to know that most probably we are living in the time of the Third Seal. The First Seal introduced what I would call neocolonialism. It seems to have begun with 9/11 attack on America. All big powers of the world, who had established colonies in past, are again engaged in controlling their colonies in different ways. The second rider seems to have done his bit and now we are hearing about global food shortage and the soon-to-be-running-out stocks of wheat and oil.

Wheat, barley, oil….These are the things of which special mention is being made in the description of the events that unfold when the Third Seal is broken. The UN has even given the time period within which this food crisis will take over the world. Shockingly, it is not more than four to five months.

I am talking about what characterizes the period of the Third Seal in order to imply that we are already in it! And the reason why I am saying that we are possibly in the time of the Third Seal is to point my readers to the fact that, if we are really in the time of the Third Seal, the Fourth Seal is the next big thing. Looking at the pace with which things have started happening since the start of the pandemic, it won’t be wrong to say that the Fourth Seal or the Antichrist is right at our threshold.